Post Hiker-Famous Breakfast Buffet

I’m in serious post-prandial stupor here at Timberline Lodge, in full view of Mt. Hood.  I did, in fact, restrain myself to two visits to the buffet, so am only comfortably full, and do intend to get some miles in. Sometime later.

Took a ride around the Jefferson fire with some other hikers to Olallie Lake. The little store was unchanged from 40 years ago, and the view of Jeff was just as stunning.  Shared a campsite with some friendly soboers, and headed out in the morning. 30 to Timothy Lake and 20 yesterday got me to Timberline.  Spent a very windy night up the hill at the campsite, then came down for the famous spread, which certainly lived up to its reputation!

Last time I was here was with the ’77 crew, and we slept on a lodge porch, escaping from a night of very foul weather.  I hope summer isn’t quite over yet this year! Only 50 miles to Wash!

Mt. Hood, first view

“Natural Shelter” 40 yrs previously 

Timberline Lodge Mt. Jefferson from Olallie Lake

Olallie Lake Store

3 thoughts on “Post Hiker-Famous Breakfast Buffet”

  1. brings back good memories. sleeping in the balcony getting kicked out of the basement while cooking diner down there . that was before we could afford a good meal. I can only imagine the buffet at timberline. I bet they lost money on you. we are heading to Scotland today good luck on your epic journey. Marty


  2. THat reminds me Ollalie Lake. you and mike split with your girlfriends and caught up to us at Ollalie and we got as far as the porch there drinking beer with us until we went to bed. the owner kicked us off the porch around 9PM . I have a great picture of us on the porch.


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