
Hanging out with Steve (other Spiker) and Nancy, waiting for breakfast in Packwood. After a 4-day, 100 mile dash north from the Columbia, I left the trail just before the Goat Rocks and hitched to meet them at White Pass.  Great to spend time with them and tell trail stories, old and new.  After breakfast they will get me back to my trailhead.

So I looked ahead at miles, and here it is roughly:

Back to White Pass on the 31st Sept

Arrive Snoqualmie 09/05

Arrive Stevens 09/09

Arrive Stehekin 09/14

Arrive at border 09/19

Probably yo-yo back to Harts 09/21

No more days over 20!!

Wifi may be sketchy, but I’ll do the best I can. Feeling OK, but generally tired.  Glad to be on home turf!

3 families adopted me one evening north of Adams
North side of Adams
Crossing Bridge of the Gods
Steve & Nancy Hughes, good friends and partner from ’77 hike

4 thoughts on “Washington!!!”

  1. Hey Mikey,

    Forgive the lack of communication. I have been paying attention, reading your blog and wishing you could fortune. Such an intense summer. For everyone. There has been nothing but blue skies (sometimes clouded by smoke) and warm weather. Great veggie climes. Look forward to your being back and hearing about your remarkable travels. You are tough.

    love, lex

    On Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 8:47 AM, The Flight of the Geezer wrote:

    > spiker2017 posted: “Hanging out with Steve (other Spiker) and Nancy, > waiting for breakfast in Packwood. After a 4-day, 100 mile dash north from > the Columbia, I left the trail just before the Goat Rocks and hitched to > meet them at White Pass. Great to spend time with th” >


    1. Hey you guys!
      Sounds like an active summer up there. I’m heading north from Snoqualmie this morning, bound for Stevens 4 days away. Laura and Suz are planning an on-trail meeting up there. Lex, sitting with his daughter on the left of that group shot is someone you know! Lastly, I’ll be needing a place to stay beginning in Oct, won’t try to explain that now, but put the feelers out, ok? Still doing ok, but tired and ready to be done. Xo


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